El sistema de color revolucionari


This artwork is a representation of the different paths and connections in life. All being unique and powerful. The earthy tones evoke being connected to country and appreciation for Gunni (mother).

This piece conveys our peoples connection to our plants.The Eucalyptus leaf provides our people with so many medicines and cultural practices, I thought it was fitting to showcase its beauty. The earth tones are what keeps us grounded and connected to Gunni (Mother) and the stars around the people show our connection to Baiame (Father) who lives in the stars.

Mandaang Guwu (thank you)


Yathi winja (Good day) My name is Leah Cummins, I am a proud Mayi woman from North-Western Queensland.

I pay respect to the ancestors who give me these stories in my creativity, to share my culture that transcends words and draws people into wanting to learn about First Nations people. I paint both traditional and contemporary art using storytelling in every art piece to educate and teach everyone of my people's culture.

I hope to inspire and uplift my people by contributing to the sharing of culture and stories through my art. I want to share my love of my people with you.

As a proud Mayi woman from North Western Queensland I want to share my love of art and interpretation of empowerment of my people. I want to share all my piece with love and harmony

Each design is available to purchase online via www.bunyadesignc.om.au

This piece is called Country Land, inspired from the country we grew up on and the interconnectedness we share with our environment and how the country and land we live on is absorbed into our being and fibres.

As a proud Mayi woman is share the love of art and interpretation of female empowerment of women. The variations of colours in this piece captures the many different celebrated colours in our country.




Leah Cummins Yathi winja (Bon dia) Em dic Leah Cummins, sóc una dona maii orgullosa del nord-oest de Queensland.

Trobo inspiració en la meva identitat cultural i porto les meves històries del meu país i la meva gent a la vida en el meu art. Pinto històries de força per a dones i nens, amor a la terra i a tota la meva gent.

Respecto als avantpassats que em donen aquestes històries en la meva creativitat, per compartir la meva cultura que transcendeix les paraules i atrau la gent a voler aprendre sobre les persones de les Primeres Nacions. Pinto tant art tradicional com contemporani utilitzant la narració de contes en cada obra d'art per educar i ensenyar a tothom la cultura del meu poble.

Espero inspirar i elevar la meva gent contribuint a compartir la cultura i les històries a través del meu art. Vull compartir amb vosaltres el meu amor pel meu poble.

Com a dona maii orgullosa del nord-oest de Queensland, vull compartir el meu amor per l'art i la interpretació de l'empoderament del meu poble. Vull compartir tota la meva peça amb amor i harmonia

El disseny de Lisa està disponible per comprar en línia a través de www.bunyadesign.com.au


dylan piesch

Dylan és un olímpic de Tòquio 2020 de l'Australian Rugby 7s i ara forma part de l'equip de Super Rugby de NSW Waratahs 2022. El seu art reflecteix la seva forta connexió amb la seva herència Wiradjuri. La seva obra està inspirada en la família i la connexió amb el país.

La compassió de Dylan per la comunitat es veu a través del seu paper d'ambaixador a The Ronald McDonald House, on neteja la Randwick Ronald McDonald House cada diumenge i visita freqüentment els nens i les seves famílies.

També és ambaixador de Movember i The Black Dog Institute, on va a les escoles i comparteix la seva història de salut mental. Dylan crea una capacitat perquè els altres aprenguin i enforteixin la seva connexió amb un mateix i amb la cultura.

Els dissenys de Dylan es poden comprar en línia a través de www.wulwaay.com

This artwork is a representation of the different paths and connections in life. All being unique and powerful. The earthy tones evoke being connected to country and appreciation for Gunni (mother).

This piece conveys our peoples connection to our plants.The Eucalyptus leaf provides our people with so many medicines and cultural practices, I thought it was fitting to showcase its beauty. The earth tones are what keeps us grounded and connected to Gunni (Mother) and the stars around the people show our connection to Baiame (Father) who lives in the stars.

Mandaang Guwu (thank you)


Yathi winja (Good day) My name is Leah Cummins, I am a proud Mayi woman from North-Western Queensland.

I pay respect to the ancestors who give me these stories in my creativity, to share my culture that transcends words and draws people into wanting to learn about First Nations people. I paint both traditional and contemporary art using storytelling in every art piece to educate and teach everyone of my people's culture.

I hope to inspire and uplift my people by contributing to the sharing of culture and stories through my art. I want to share my love of my people with you.

As a proud Mayi woman from North Western Queensland I want to share my love of art and interpretation of empowerment of my people. I want to share all my piece with love and harmony

Each design is available to purchase online via www.bunyadesignc.om.au

This piece is called Country Land, inspired from the country we grew up on and the interconnectedness we share with our environment and how the country and land we live on is absorbed into our being and fibres.

As a proud Mayi woman is share the love of art and interpretation of female empowerment of women. The variations of colours in this piece captures the many different celebrated colours in our country.


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